Pool Rules

Cascade Green Pool Rules

1. Only residents in good HOA account standing are allowed use of the pool and will have activated key fobs to access the pool and cabana, restrooms. Residents may have up to 4 guests/household with them at any given time while using the pool.
2. Pool hours are 8:00AM to 8:00PM. Violators are trespassing and authorities will be called. The area is under 24 hour video surveillance.
3. In the event of lightning or thunder, the pool and pool area will close immediately.
4. Children under the age of 14 must be accompanied by an adult 18 years of age or older. Children 14 to 17 years of age may bring a guest to the pool, only if accompanied by a resident 18 years of age or older.
5. No diving, backwards jumps, or flips from the side of the pool are allowed.
6. No unruly conduct, RUNNING, pushing, horseplay, dunking, rough play, etc. will be allowed. No spitting, spouting of the water from the mouth or blowing the nose in the swimming pool.
7. No glass bottles or containers are allowed in the pool area.
8. No clothing other than swim wear may be worn in the pool.
9. Drinking, eating, and smoking are not allowed in the pool. No food or drink is allowed in the pool.
10. Cooking is not permitted inside the pool area. No Alcoholic beverages in pool area.
11. Untrained children are required to wear swim diapers beneath swimsuits while in the pool.
12. Persons with infections, cuts, open sores or blisters or communicable diseases shall not use the pool.
13. Unattended solo swimming is prohibited.
14. Swimmers shall shower before entering the pool and after using the restroom.
15. No animals allowed in pool area. No Bicycles, skates, skateboards in pool area.
16. Music is allowed provided it does not disturb fellow residents.
17. Emergency Phone (only) is located inside the cabana.
18. First Aid Kit is located inside the cabana.
19. Please do not allow anyone to play with the water hose or life preserver ring.
20. People inside the pool may not open the gate to anyone other than their own family members or guests.
21. Board members and/or the HOA pool designee (pool monitor) reserve the right to check for possession of valid key fob.
22. Jumping the pool fence is trespassing.

Loss of Pool Privileges
● Any individual(s) using the pool after hours could lose all pool privileges for the season. The Association Board will consider individual events.
● Any individual(s) committing acts of vandalism to the pool, cabana, equipment and/or surrounding area will lose all pool privileges for a period of time to be determined by the Association Board, and be held responsible for cleaning, repair, or replacement of damaged items. In the event the individual(s) are juveniles, the parents shall assume full responsibility for their child’s actions. The Board will consider individual events.
● Any surveillance evidence will be turned over to the City of Atlanta police for criminal prosecution.

Emergency Contact Information
In the event of an emergency, please call 911 for immediate assistance. There is an emergency phone located at the cabana.

For pool-related maintenance, non-authorized use of pool, fecal matter contamination, or any related issues, please contact EAM's HOA Support department @ 770-949-5663.

To avoid accidental drowning or unauthorized access the pool/tennis gate MUST remain closed after every entry/exit.